using the autoreject package

External Email - Use Caution

Hi List:

Excuse me for this naive question.
Does the "autoreject" take a lot of execution time?
I downloaded the pip install -U autoreject package.
On using:
ar = AutoReject()
epochs_clean = ar.fit_transform(epochs)
Running autoreject on ch_type=eeg
0.00% Creating augmented epochs | ...... Since 20+ mins.
The epochs object is 32 channel x 1400 epochs x 512 samples.

Should I use the latest version or is something weird in my epoch object.
The example shared in the website works fine though.

Best regards,
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External Email - Use Caution

Hi List,

Following up on this - it got fixed.
- on seeing the source code found that the location field in my EOG
channels had NaNs and this was the issue.
- may be good to through a warning.

Best regards,

External Email - Use Caution

Hi Neeraj,

Glad to see that you fixed it yourself. Could you raise an issue on github
so we raise an informative error for the user? We'll follow up on it there,
thanks a lot.
