[ANN][autoreject 0.1 on pip]

External Email - Use Caution

Dear MNE community,

We?re pleased to announce the first official release of the autoreject
package that is the results of more than 1.5 years of continuous efforts
after the publication of the first preprint.


   - New simplified API:
   - Fit jointly on data from different channel types (MEG/EEG)
   - Fit model on training data, label and/or repair unseen data
   - RejectLog class for representing and visualizing labels:
   - Channels previously marked bad by user are ignored
   - Several bug fixes and speed improvements

As of now, autoreject can be installed via pip:
For a detailed description of the latest functionality please consider our
website: http://autoreject.github.io/.

Happy artifact rejection!
Mainak Jas, Denis Engemann and Alex Gramfort
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