Plotting connectivity on 3D brain

Dear MNE developers,

I’ve successfully managed to visualize my (fMRI-based) connectivity on a circular graph using connectivity matrix data. I would now like to try visualizing the nodes and edges on a 3D (glass) brain with MNE. Despite going through the manual and forum, I was not able to find any functions capable of doing this without the need for .fif files, which I do not have. I do have the node coordinates, so I was hoping to do this with a slight workaround. Would you be able to point me in the right direction for this, or is this function currently not supported?

Thanks in advance,


Hello @Mortelli and welcome to the forum!

I wouldn’t know how to do what you’re asking, but I suspect @adam2392 might be able to give you some pointers here, perhaps?

Good luck,

Currently mne-connectivity unfortunately doesn’t have ability to do 3D plotting, so can’t help much :confused:

However, if you get something working, we’d love to hear about it.

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