MNE-BIDs-Pipline --concatenating runs

  • MNE-Python version: 0.23
  • operating system: ubuntu

May I ask a question about MNE-BIDs-pipeline here?
Before my question, I like to say that MNE-BIDs-pipeline is awesome!!!

Here is the question. I saw an error message with concatenate across runs.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

Hello @TYH, great to see people trying out the pipeline! We’re about to improve the documentation and getting started guide.

That said, the pipeline currently always expects you to use the latest development versions of MNE-Python and MNE-BIDS. So you should run

pip install -U
pip install -U

to update both. The pipeline will then, hopefully, run.

Best wishes,


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Hi @richard,

Sorry for late reply. Yes, it works after upgrade to the latest version. Thank you very much~~~ :smiley:

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