Is mne-qt-browser the new default?

MNE 1.2
Python 3.9.9
Mac OSX 12.6 Monterey

I just upgraded my MNE and a simple raw.plot launches the mne-qt-browser, which I have installed (v. 0.4.0). Previously in MNE I would have to add

from mne.viz import set_browser_backend

in order to enable mne-qt-browser. Is this now the default browser in MNE 1.2? Is there a way for me to revert to the old browser when I wish to do so?

yes, it is the default, and yes, you can still use the matplotlib-based browser.

for all sessions: mne.set_config('MNE_BROWSER_BACKEND', 'matplotlib')

for the current session: mne.viz.set_browser_backend('matplotlib')

for a single line or block of code, using a context manager:

with mne.viz.use_browser_backend('matplotlib'):
# after context manager, will use whatever backend set in mne.get_config('MNE_BROWSER_BACKEND')
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Thanks so much. That’s very useful to know.