Is it possible to define the type of the return of

  • MNE version: 1.0.3
  • operating system: Windows 11

For the output plots of this function, I need to sometimes edit some details e.g. to add some matplotlib.figure.Figure.suptitle() or to change the figure size etc.
But I can not edit, since the return is mne_qt_browser.figure.MNEQtBrowser. Is it possible to define to get matplotlib.figure.Figure or mne_qt_browser.figure.MNEQtBrowser as output?

Both the matplotlib browser and the QT browser are 2 different backends to plot 2D data, with the second being more recent and smoother. If you want to select which backend is used, you can set it with mne.viz.set_browser_backend before calling raw.plot().


Thanks a lot for the swift reply!