I am trying to write an custom function for data visualisation that will behave differently depending on the backend in use.

I am setting my backend with mne.viz.set_browser_backend("qt") (or matplotlib).
When I try to retrive with backend = mne.get_config("MNE_BROWSER_BACKEND") I am getting None.
Retrieving only works with

mne.set_config("MNE_BROWSER_BACKEND", "qt")

what is a difference between these two ways of setting the backend for plots? I didnt find anything in the documentation.

  • MNE version: e.g. 1.7
  • operating system: e.g. macOS 14

Have you tried mne.viz.get_browser_backend — MNE 1.7.1 documentation ?

Thanks, this is solving my question how to get this the returned value but what is the conceptual difference between these 2 settings ?(apart the setting and getting mechanisms?)

The difference is that one accesses the MNE configuration file, while the other only applies the setting for the current Python session.

Best wishes,

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