What is the minimum number of brain electrodes required for source estimation?

Hi, everyone!
In my study, the eeg signal usually only contains 6 channels because the data comes from the polysomnography(a sleep study) and many channels collect other physiological signal. I wonder if 6 sensors can perform the source estimation. if not, what is the minimum number of electrodes required for source estimation? 64/128 electrodes eeg may be hard to use in the sleep study. Or if any other algorithm can specially provide a rough result when there are few electrodes?

Hello! I don’t have any publications at hand, but I believe the authors of Cartool published a paper on this question several years ago if I’m not mistaken. And I believe they suggested that 64 electrodes are a good tradeoff between number of electrodes and quality of inverse modeling.

6 electrodes is definitely far too few. My gut feeling is that if you have fewer than 32, don’t even bother thinking about it.

Best wishes,

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Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

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