Working with Multi Electrode Arrays or Local Field Potentials

I have experience working with MNE for EEG and think it’s really great.

Next I’m going to be working with data from a Multi Electrode Array. It would be great if there were some functionality in MNE to load in data of any shape without having to specify a montage.

I’m mostly likely going to be working with a 96-well plate so data could be 96 channels for example. Is there way to create a raw object from a matrix of time series arrays of an unspecified shape. I want to load n channels, create a raw object and and use your functions for signal processing, Power spectral analysis, connectivity analysis etc. I don’t need to visualise channel locations.

Is this currently possible? In short, it would be great to use MNE with greater flexibility for signal processing.

Thanks for your help, Josh

Yes, the only required informations are:

  • data array of shape (n_channels, n_samples)
  • channel names (can be 1, 2, 3, 4, …)
  • sampling frequency in Hz
  • channel type


And the associated tutorial:


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Thanks very much! Apologies for the basic question! I’d seen functions like mne.welcharray etc. but hadn’t realise you could also create a Raw object from scratch.

Thank you!

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