Hello, I am trying to do EEG source localization and I was wondering if the initial step of coregistration needs to be fixed since the fiducials are hovering over the head model like this:
Yes, the dataset (open source dataset) has the measured electrode locations (x, y, z) in a tsv file. That is why I read it directly with mne.channels.read_custom_montage
Yes, each subject has individual T1 images.
Fiducials locations were also recorded for each subject, and was directly read from the files
Thanks for the clarifications, @tbonesung! Unfortunately I currently don’t have time to provide further assistance; I’m pinging @larsoner and @wmvanvliet, maybe they can give you a hand!
That the nasion point is floating can be attributed to the fact that the MRI has been de-faced. But that LPA and RPA are floating like that seems to indicate a scaling issue. You can use mne.gui.coregistration to launch a GUI that allows you to fix the coregistration, including scaling, rotating, etc.