The events you get depend on what way you read them in .

Hello, I am really confused here. There are multiple ways to read the
events of a fif file and everyway I go it leads to different results. Could
someone shed light onto what is happening here?

So I have a file called DataFile_raw.fif

If I do the following:

r ='DataFile_raw.fif')
eve = mne.find_events(r, stim_channel='STI101')

Then eve is something like:

However, if I just use the mne_processes_raw to make an eve file with the
following command:

mne_process_raw --raw DataFile_raw.fif --digtrig STI101 --eventsout

Then DataFile_raw.eve looks like:

Basically it looks like the larger numbers are removed.

What is happening here?


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Hi Dan,

It looks like you're just having some events be masked with mne_process_raw. By default, mne_process_raw only shows you zero to non-zero transitions (I believe). Your python event list is showing you all event transitions. If you run mne_process_raw with the --allevents option, the event files should match. The sample numbers where the events occur look to match between your two event files, so you have the same events no matter which way you do it, you're just getting more events listed with one method due to the options you have selected.
