Reading user-defined events

External Email - Use Caution

Hello group!

Basic Question:
I have meg_raw.fif files where I have manually marked events using the mne_browse_raw interface.
Is there a way to read these ?user-defined? events in mne-python directly?

Candida Ustine

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External Email - Use Caution


where did you store the events?

maybe look at mne.read_events


External Email - Use Caution

Hi Alex,

Thanks!! Sorry, I was not clear earlier!
These are the sleep or epileptic spike events marked in the raw data and
they are not written into the STIM channels... Honestly, I am not sure
where in the data structure they are stored. Mne_browse_raw recognises
these events as annotations when opening the raw file.

Until now, I have been opening the raw.fif file in mne_browse_raw and then
using its save function to export the these user-defined events to a
-eve.fif/txt file - which I then read using mne.read_events() in python.

I wanted to know if there is a direct way to read these marked events
directly from the raw.fif file in mne python - perhaps using the
mne.find_events function (I saw that it requires a STIM channel) Is there a
workaround? Sorry if I am missing something!

[image: image.png]
[image: image.png]

External Email - Use Caution

ok so if you managed to save a -eve.fif file you can use mne.read_events

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