External Email - Use Caution
Hi all,
I recently updated mne, and when doing so I found I could no longer use find_events to find my events from my raw data file. As suggested, I used events_from_annnotations instead which seemed to be working (i.e. my triggers were there and in a sensible order). However, when I compared the events structure to an old events structure that was retrieved from the same data using find_events I found that the samples did not match (see screen shot below). I?m confident that the samples from the find_events were correct ? since now all my sanity check effects have disappeared. Some info that might be useful to know: in both cases I read the data in using read_raw_eeglab, I'm currently using mne version 20.5 and previously had been using 17 I really appreciate any help that you might be able to offer, I?ve look around a bit in the annotations object but to be honest its all a bit foreign to me. For example, the onset times listed there are in seconds so Im not sure how that maps onto the samples that Im finding in my events structure. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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