I wonder if someone can please tell me how I might obtain the unique pseudo-value that is needed as the first line of the events *.txt file for each *.fif MEG data file, without having to save events to text/fif by hand using mne_browse_raw for each *.fif file one-by-one? Is there another, more efficient way, for example a command that can be used?
I am using MNE-2.7.0-3106-Linux-x86_64 and Matlab 10a.
I don't recall doing anything special for the first line of the event
files; if I remember correctly, this command automatically made the first
line all 0s. (I also was saving my event files with a .eve extension rather
than .txt, I don't know if that makes a difference or not).
Thank you for your email; I was able to get the events files out from each file in text form by following your command (the *.eve extension didn't make a difference, it was still a text file).