specifying mne_compute_raw_inverse output


I am using mne_compute_raw_inverse to produce source waveforms from labels.
The command is working fine, except that I am having trouble specifying the
name of the output.

I've tried using the flags --labeldir and --out to specify the output. The
labeldir I specify is identical to the label files in my subjects dir:

However, I get the following error message:

Processing label directory ..../subjectsdir/subjectname/label/
0 left-hemisphere labels in ..../subjectsdir/subjectname/label/
0 right-hemisphere labels in ..../subjectsdir/subjectname/label/
Segmentation fault

I triple checked and there are no typos in the labeldir I specify. And using
the --out flag alone has no effect on the output name.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi Matt,

If you want Matlab equivalent of doing this pass by my cubicles, I will
give you Matlab equivalent of this command with some enhanced averaging
options to get source waveform of the label.

Sheraz Khan
Martinos Center

Hi Matt,

The names of the label files must end with -rh.label / -lh.label or start with lh. / rh. Also, are you using the nightly build?

Does this help?

- Matti