mne_analyze, mne_compute_raw_inverse questions

Hello folks -

A colleague and I noticed some seeming inconsistencies in how these
two programs compute waveforms on a per-label basis, and I want to see
if we can clear this up.

When using mne_compute_raw_inverse without the -labeldir switch, the
program provides output in terms of "sources per label", and provides
a waveform for each of those sources. When using the -labeldir switch,
the program provides a single waveform per label. That waveform is NOT
the average of all sources in the first method, as can be seen by
simply exporting with and without the switch, and averaging the
results of the second and comparing it to the first.

When using mne_analyze, waveforms are obtained using the timecourse
manager, which seems to compute the values on a per-voxel basis, with
multiple options as to how the voxels can be combined (averaging,
maximum, etc.). A cursory examination shows that the timecourse
created using this model is different again from either of the above
two methods.

I was wondering if one of the developers could explain the difference
between these three methods of acquiring an ROI timecourse using a
label. Thanks in advance -

Eliezer Kanal

I'm interest in the answers for these questions as well, but I'd like
to jump in this discussion to ask a somewhat related question. I think
I'm just having problems with the terminology, but it'd be good to
clarify it.

When I run mne_compute_raw_inverse for a single label, I get the
activation for all the sources within the label (correct?). In the
screen output of this program, I see that my forward solution has
about 13000 sources, and if my label is the entire left hemisphere I
get the estimates for about 6500 sources, which makes sense. Using
mne_analyze, when selecting a label there are several ways to combine
the activations in the vertices, as Eliezer pointer out. However,
based on how the brain was tessellated, it seems to me that there are
a lot more vertices than sources, right? Is there a mapping between
sources and vertices? If I run the same command with labeldir, do I
get the average of the sources in each label, or vertices? Also, is
there a way to get one of the other four options, instead of the

Thanks in advance,
