

I'm trying to use mne_compute_raw_inverse. I used the following syntax:
mne_compute_raw_inverse --in 10-COMB/meg/CA10_01_raw.fif --snr 2
--inv 10-COMB/meg/10_grandave-meg-inv.fif --spm --label
labels/10-COMB/LH_M170_label-lh.label --picknormalcomp

The result was:

input file : 10-COMB/meg/CA10_01_raw.fif
inverse operator file : 10-COMB/meg/10_grandave-meg-inv.fif
SNR : 2.000000
Label files to process :
Source locations will be listed in head coordinates.

Reading the inverse operator...
        Read 2 source spaces from 10-COMB/meg/10_grandave-meg-inv.fif
with a total of 5124 source locations
        Read the sensor covariance matrix (full)
        Read the source covariance matrix (diagonal)
        Measurement file id not found (omit matching).
        Solution is based on MEG.
        Inverse operator information was stored in head coordinates.
        Source orientations read.
        Singular values read.
        Eigenvectors read.
        Number of channels = 271
        Number of sources = 5124
        Free source orientations
        Location information in head coordinates

Adding derived data to the inverse operator (nave = 1)...
        Decomposing the sensor noise covariance matrix...

        Eigenvalue decomposition had been precomputed.
        Eigenleads multiplied with Cholesky decomposition of the
source covariance matrix.
        nave change: 1 -> 1

Raw data file 10-COMB/meg/CA10_01_raw.fif:
        sfreq = 600.000000 Hz
        nchan = 308

Processing label labels/10-COMB/LH_M170_label-lh.label...
        4198 points in label labels/10-COMB/LH_M170_label-lh.label
        58 sources within label labels/10-COMB/LH_M170_label-lh.label
        Selective inverse operator ready.
Channel <STI 014> not found in the input file.

I tried to specify the digtrig file (data recorded on CTF system)
using --digtri UPPT001, but the result was still the same. How do I
get the command to look for the right trigger file?
