Hi guys,
I am new in MNE. I want to define the numbers of dipoles in source space, so that it can match the dimensions I want to reconstruct for source signal? Is there any way to create a BEM model with flexible definition of dipoles number?( In Brainstorm we can achieve this by downsampling the cortex vertices)
I noticed that the ICO parameters in mne.make_bem_model can apply the downsampling method, and in mne.setup_source_space the spaceing can modify the source space, but I dont know how to set this parameters specifically for my projects.( Like 998 dipoles)
I wonder is there any way to further downsampling the surface file?
If I make any mistakes, please tell me. Thanks!
I don’t think we have implemented a way to downsample the number of dipoles across a surface to a specific number.
Thinking about it, our surface source space object is essentially a high resolution mesh and then a list of “vertex numbers” that indicate which vertices of the mesh to use as source points. Right now, we only have ico and oct sphere methods to make this selection, but it should not be too hard to implement a method to make a custom selection by letting the user specify which vertices they way to use.