setting up the number of dipoles


Please is there a way to setup the number of dipoles?

I know the forward operator houses the number the dipoles depending on the hemisphere the user is using.

lh = fwd["src"][0]      # Visualize the left hemisphere
verts = lh["rr"]          # The vertices of the source space
tris = lh["tris"]          # Groups of three vertices that form triangles
dip_pos = lh["rr"][lh["vertno"]]      # The position of the dipoles

from the link below

I want to know if it is possible to manually setup the number of dipoles to the user’s preference.

Explanations and suggestions are all welcome and appreciated.


The process of defining how many dipoles to use and how to place them is referred to in our docs as “setting up the source space”.

Hopefully searching the docs for the various ways to set up the source space and compute the resulting forward model will tell you what you want to know. If not, feel free to ask questions here.

okay, i will check that out.

That worked well. Thanks

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