read vmrk with read_raw_brainvision

Hi all,

I am trying to import raw eeg data from brainvision using read_raw_brainvision. However, I encounter this error (most recent call):

File “C:\Users\gallir\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\mne\io\brainvision\”, line 243, in _read_vmrk
mtype, mdesc, this_onset, this_duration = info_data[:4]

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 1)

It seems that the error is given by the fact that in my .vmrk file there is a line [common infos] which is expected to have 4 values (?).

If I eliminate most of header information and just keeping the rows:
BrainVision Data Exchange Marker File Version 1.0
Mk1=New Segment 1 1 0 2.0211E+19
onwards, which are the markers of my data. The EEG data are imported. but I am missing the markers in the annotations…

My mne version is ‘0.24.1’
I am working on windows 10.



what system wrote these files?


Brainvision analyzer 1.0

solved, the error raised by the fact that, 4 some reason, my marker file was separated by \t and not , (as it is defaulted in

Thank you anyway!