I am seeking to utilize MNE to analyze data that has no .vmrk file as the data has no markers.
Read_raw_brainvision is not working as it says there is no .vmrk file. Is there any way to read in data for .eeg and .vhdr file directly?
I am seeking to utilize MNE to analyze data that has no .vmrk file as the data has no markers.
Read_raw_brainvision is not working as it says there is no .vmrk file. Is there any way to read in data for .eeg and .vhdr file directly?
Hello @Dtdt and welcome to the forum!
Are you sure the file didn’t just get lost? Usually, BV Recorder (and PyCorder too, I believe) add at least a New Segment
marker at the beginning of a recording. Hence, there should always be a .vmrk
You could manually edit the .vhdr
file and remove the link to the marker file if you really don’t have it.
or if that doesn’t work, download this file: https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/blob/main/mne/io/brainvision/tests/data/test.vmrk
then delete the lines starting with Mk
and edit the line that reads DataFile=test.eeg
to point to your real eeg file (just the filename, not the path → all 3 files vhdr, vmrk, eeg should stay in the same directory)
then proceed as @cbrnr mentioned above with the .vhdr
… I also think so. So please double check!