
I'm just starting to learn about Python and I try to use MNE especially
with Brainvision Raw Data
I encounter a problem during the call of "read_raw_brainvision" in the
script below

import mne
from mne.fiff import brainvision

vdhr_fname = '10-MD10/MD10_EEG/MD10/MD10.vhdr'
raw = brainvision.read_raw_brainvision(vdhr_fname, elp_fname=None,
ch_names=None, preload=False, verbose=None)

and here my output error :

Extracting eeg Parameters from 10-MD10/MD10_EEG/MD10/MD10.vhdr...
Setting channel info structure...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    ch_names=None, preload=False, verbose=None)
line 682, in read_raw_brainvision
    reference, eog, ch_names, verbose)
  File "<string>", line 2, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mne/src/mne/mne/",
line 392, in verbose
    ret = function(*args, **kwargs)
line 84, in __init__
    reference, eog)
line 639, in _get_eeg_info
    events = _read_vmrk_events(eeg_info['marker_id'])
line 321, in _read_vmrk_events
    trigger = int(re.findall('S\s?(\d+)', mdesc)[0])
*IndexError: list index out of range*

Exit code: 1

MD10.vhdr and MD10.vmrk are in the same directory

What could be the origins of this kind of error ?
I'm sure the solution should be obvious but i don't succeed to find it.

I hope that my explanations are clear.
Thank you in advance for your help,

Best regards,
Ma?l Garnotel
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hi Ma?l,

can you make the file public and open an issue on github
so we can follow up on this bug(?).
