problem in visualizing the inverse solution of mixed source

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I am trying to measure the hippocampus activity by creating the mixed
source spaces. I mean to say, mixed source space includes two surfaces and
two volumes(left and right hippocampus). I could generate the inverse
solution but i am unable to visualise it.
I tried using the the following lines to visualise the inverse solution:

img = stc.as_volume(src, mri_resolution=False) # src includes the
sources from surface as well as from the volume
t1_fname = data_path + '/subjects/sample/mri/T1.mgz'
# Plotting with nilearn plot_stat_map
200), t1_fname, threshold=8.)

It terminated with a error:

'MixedSourceEstimate' object has no attribute 'as_volume'.

Is there any (other) way that i can visualise the inverse solution of mixed
source spaces on MRI using MNE python?

Hope i am clear with my question!
Thank you in advance