External Email - Use Caution
Hi there,
I tried to answer this question by searching the email list and github
discussions, but failed to find an solution. Please bear with me if this
has been answered before.
I am trying to compute the inverse solution for a volume source space. I
generated this space with the "mne.setup_volume_source_space" function.
Then I calculated the inverse solution using
and set "loose" option to 1 for free orientation. After I did
"apply_inverse_raw", I expected to get three values for each source grid
because of the free orientation option, but I only found one. Is there a
way to get the vector value for each volume source grid?
I also tried to set the "pick_ori" option in
to 'vector', but the program reported "ValueError: Number of vertices
(11994) and stc.shape[0] (35982) must match".
Thank you in advance for the answer!
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