- MNE**-C** version: 2.7.3
- operating system: Ubuntu 18.04
Dear MNE Experts,
briefly, my question is whether it is possible to create surface files for the hippocampus?
To elaborate further, my problem is as follows.
I am in the process of replicating an MNE-C based analysis. Here it comes to the following command:
mne_forward_solution --meg --accurate \ –src $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/src/$SUBJECT"_hipsurf-“$SRCSPACE”-src.fif"
where “$SRCSPACE” = oct-3.
I interpret the hipsurf as a reference to surface files for the hippocampus. Only it is not clear from the rest of the script how this is created.
My solution so far is to calculate a source file for the left and the right part of the hippocampus based on the Aseg atlas using:
mne_volume_source_space --pos $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/src/$SUBJECT"_rh.txt" --src $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/src/$SUBJECT"_hipsurf_r-src.fif"
Afterwards I calculate the mn_forward_solution seperatly for left and right and then I merge the outputs manually for the combined forward solution. Is there a more elegant solution here? Or is there a solution that I can create in MNE-Phyton (like Query on Hippocampus tessellation) and then use in MNE-C?
Is it possible, in principle, to switch between MNE-Phyton and MNE-C during an analysis?