'NoneType' object has no attribute '_widget

  • MNE version: e.g. 1.3.0
  • operating system: Windows 10

Hi there, I am now using the following code

brain = plot_glm_surface_projection(raw_haemo.copy().pick("hbo").pick(significant_channels), model_df, colorbar=True)

brain.add_sensors(raw_haemo.info, trans='fsaverage', fnirs=['channels', 'pairs', 'sources', 'detectors'])

to plot my significant result on scalp, but I always get this error. I have tried different types of backend, including: qt, tk, webAgg, notebook etc., none of them are working, I got the same error message with this function. It would be super helpful if you could provide me the solution how to fix it! Thank you.

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[47], line 3
      1 # Plot the projection and sensor locations
      2 get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
----> 3 brain = plot_glm_surface_projection(raw_haemo.copy().pick("hbo").pick(significant_channels), model_df, colorbar=True)
      5 brain.add_sensors(raw_haemo.info, trans='fsaverage', fnirs=['channels', 'pairs', 'sources', 'detectors'])
      7 # mark the premotor cortex in red

File <decorator-gen-610>:10, in plot_glm_surface_projection(inst, statsmodel_df, picks, value, background, figure, clim, mode, colormap, surface, hemi, size, view, colorbar, distance, subjects_dir, src, verbose)

File D:\Anaconda\envs\fnirs\lib\site-packages\mne_nirs\visualisation\_plot_GLM_surface_projection.py:97, in plot_glm_surface_projection(inst, statsmodel_df, picks, value, background, figure, clim, mode, colormap, surface, hemi, size, view, colorbar, distance, subjects_dir, src, verbose)
     90     raise RuntimeError('MNE data structure does not match dataframe '
     91                        f'results.\nMNE = {info.ch_names}.\n'
     92                        f'GLM = {list(statsmodel_df["ch_name"].values)}')
     94 ea = EvokedArray(np.tile(statsmodel_df[value].values.T, (1, 1)).T,
     95                  info.copy())
---> 97 return _plot_3d_evoked_array(inst, ea, picks=picks,
     98                              value=value,
     99                              background=background, figure=figure,
    100                              clim=clim,
    101                              mode=mode, colormap=colormap,
    102                              surface=surface, hemi=hemi, size=size,
    103                              view=view, colorbar=colorbar,
    104                              distance=distance,
    105                              subjects_dir=subjects_dir, src=src,
    106                              verbose=verbose)

File D:\Anaconda\envs\fnirs\lib\site-packages\mne_nirs\visualisation\_plot_GLM_surface_projection.py:142, in _plot_3d_evoked_array(inst, ea, picks, value, background, figure, clim, mode, colormap, surface, hemi, size, view, colorbar, distance, subjects_dir, src, verbose)
    139 stc = stc_near_sensors(picks=picks, **kwargs, verbose=verbose)
    141 # Produce brain plot
--> 142 brain = stc.plot(src=src, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, hemi=hemi,
    143                  surface=surface, initial_time=0, clim=clim, size=size,
    144                  colormap=colormap, figure=figure, background=background,
    145                  colorbar=colorbar, verbose=verbose)
    146 if view is not None:
    147     brain.show_view(view)

File D:\Anaconda\envs\fnirs\lib\site-packages\mne\source_estimate.py:650, in _BaseSourceEstimate.plot(self, subject, surface, hemi, colormap, time_label, smoothing_steps, transparent, alpha, time_viewer, subjects_dir, figure, views, colorbar, clim, cortex, size, background, foreground, initial_time, time_unit, backend, spacing, title, show_traces, src, volume_options, view_layout, add_data_kwargs, brain_kwargs, verbose)
    639 @copy_function_doc_to_method_doc(plot_source_estimates)
    640 def plot(self, subject=None, surface='inflated', hemi='lh',
    641          colormap='auto', time_label='auto', smoothing_steps=10,
    648          src=None, volume_options=1., view_layout='vertical',
    649          add_data_kwargs=None, brain_kwargs=None, verbose=None):
--> 650     brain = plot_source_estimates(
    651         self, subject, surface=surface, hemi=hemi, colormap=colormap,
    652         time_label=time_label, smoothing_steps=smoothing_steps,
    653         transparent=transparent, alpha=alpha, time_viewer=time_viewer,
    654         subjects_dir=subjects_dir, figure=figure, views=views,
    655         colorbar=colorbar, clim=clim, cortex=cortex, size=size,
    656         background=background, foreground=foreground,
    657         initial_time=initial_time, time_unit=time_unit, backend=backend,
    658         spacing=spacing, title=title, show_traces=show_traces,
    659         src=src, volume_options=volume_options, view_layout=view_layout,
    660         add_data_kwargs=add_data_kwargs, brain_kwargs=brain_kwargs,
    661         verbose=verbose)
    662     return brain

File <decorator-gen-125>:10, in plot_source_estimates(stc, subject, surface, hemi, colormap, time_label, smoothing_steps, transparent, alpha, time_viewer, subjects_dir, figure, views, colorbar, clim, cortex, size, background, foreground, initial_time, time_unit, backend, spacing, title, show_traces, src, volume_options, view_layout, add_data_kwargs, brain_kwargs, verbose)

File D:\Anaconda\envs\fnirs\lib\site-packages\mne\viz\_3d.py:1987, in plot_source_estimates(stc, subject, surface, hemi, colormap, time_label, smoothing_steps, transparent, alpha, time_viewer, subjects_dir, figure, views, colorbar, clim, cortex, size, background, foreground, initial_time, time_unit, backend, spacing, title, show_traces, src, volume_options, view_layout, add_data_kwargs, brain_kwargs, verbose)
   1985 else:
   1986     with use_3d_backend(backend):
-> 1987         return _plot_stc(
   1988             stc, overlay_alpha=alpha, brain_alpha=alpha,
   1989             vector_alpha=alpha, cortex=cortex, foreground=foreground,
   1990             size=size, scale_factor=None, show_traces=show_traces,
   1991             src=src, volume_options=volume_options,
   1992             view_layout=view_layout, add_data_kwargs=add_data_kwargs,
   1993             brain_kwargs=brain_kwargs, **kwargs)

File D:\Anaconda\envs\fnirs\lib\site-packages\mne\viz\_3d.py:2110, in _plot_stc(stc, subject, surface, hemi, colormap, time_label, smoothing_steps, subjects_dir, views, clim, figure, initial_time, time_unit, background, time_viewer, colorbar, transparent, brain_alpha, overlay_alpha, vector_alpha, cortex, foreground, size, scale_factor, show_traces, src, volume_options, view_layout, add_data_kwargs, brain_kwargs)
   2107 del kwargs
   2109 if time_viewer:
-> 2110     brain.setup_time_viewer(time_viewer=time_viewer,
   2111                             show_traces=show_traces)
   2112 else:
   2113     brain.show()

File D:\Anaconda\envs\fnirs\lib\site-packages\mne\viz\_brain\_brain.py:523, in Brain.setup_time_viewer(***failed resolving arguments***)
    521 self._configure_menu()
    522 self._configure_status_bar()
--> 523 self._configure_playback()
    524 self._configure_help()
    525 # show everything at the end

File D:\Anaconda\envs\fnirs\lib\site-packages\mne\viz\_brain\_brain.py:1004, in Brain._configure_playback(self)
   1003 def _configure_playback(self):
-> 1004     self._renderer._playback_initialize(
   1005         func=self._play,
   1006         timeout=self.refresh_rate_ms,
   1007         value=self._data['time_idx'],
   1008         rng=[0, len(self._data['time']) - 1],
   1009         time_widget=self.widgets["time"],
   1010         play_widget=self.widgets["play"],
   1011     )

File D:\Anaconda\envs\fnirs\lib\site-packages\mne\viz\backends\_notebook.py:1227, in _IpyPlayback._playback_initialize(self, func, timeout, value, rng, time_widget, play_widget)
   1225 play.max = rng[1]
   1226 play.value = value
-> 1227 slider = time_widget._widget
   1228 jsdlink((play, 'value'), (slider, 'value'))
   1229 jsdlink((slider, 'value'), (play, 'value'))

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_widget

Hi, I wonder if you’ve found the solution to this issue? I’m having the same problem working on Mac Sonoma with MNE 1.5.1.

hi @Jiahui, I’ve edited your post to format the code and traceback as “preformatted text” so it’s easier to read.

If possible, can you (or @PuddleJumper2018) post a complete reproducible example (i.e., one that any user could copy-paste into a python terminal and generate the same error you’re seeing)? Ideally it would use one of our example datasets and include all necessary imports. Given the nature of @Jiahui’s example code above, I’m guessing the fnirs motor dataset would be the place to start.

Hi @drammock , I’ll do my best. I tried on tapping example from here.

My OS: Sonoma 14.1.1
MNE-NIRS version: 0.5.0
MNE version: 1.5.1
Python: 3.10.12
Should probably add I work in conda environment.
If there’s something I missed let me know.

Thank you!

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import mne
from mne.preprocessing.nirs import optical_density, beer_lambert_law

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

from mne_bids import BIDSPath, read_raw_bids, get_entity_vals
import mne_nirs

from mne_nirs.experimental_design import make_first_level_design_matrix
from mne_nirs.statistics import run_glm, statsmodels_to_results
from mne_nirs.channels import get_long_channels, get_short_channels
from mne_nirs.io.fold import fold_landmark_specificity
from mne_nirs.visualisation import plot_nirs_source_detector, plot_glm_surface_projection
from mne_nirs.datasets import fnirs_motor_group

def individual_analysis(bids_path, ID):

    raw_intensity = read_raw_bids(bids_path=bids_path, verbose=False)
    raw_intensity.annotations.delete(raw_intensity.annotations.description == '15.0')
     # sanitize event names
    raw_intensity.annotations.description[:] = [
        d.replace('/', '_') for d in raw_intensity.annotations.description]

    # Convert signal to haemoglobin and resample
    raw_od = optical_density(raw_intensity)
    raw_haemo = beer_lambert_law(raw_od, ppf=0.1)

    # Cut out just the short channels for creating a GLM repressor
    sht_chans = get_short_channels(raw_haemo)
    raw_haemo = get_long_channels(raw_haemo)

    # Create a design matrix
    design_matrix = make_first_level_design_matrix(raw_haemo, stim_dur=5.0)

    # Append short channels mean to design matrix
    design_matrix["ShortHbO"] = np.mean(sht_chans.copy().pick(picks="hbo").get_data(), axis=0)
    design_matrix["ShortHbR"] = np.mean(sht_chans.copy().pick(picks="hbr").get_data(), axis=0)

    # Run GLM
    glm_est = run_glm(raw_haemo, design_matrix)

    # Extract channel metrics
    cha = glm_est.to_dataframe()

    # Add the participant ID to the dataframes
    cha["ID"] = ID

    # Convert to uM for nicer plotting below.
    cha["theta"] = [t * 1.e6 for t in cha["theta"]]

    return raw_haemo, cha

# Get dataset details
root = fnirs_motor_group.data_path()
dataset = BIDSPath(root=root, task="tapping",
                   datatype="nirs", suffix="nirs", extension=".snirf")
subjects = get_entity_vals(root, 'subject')

df_cha = pd.DataFrame()  # To store channel level results
for sub in subjects:  # Loop from first to fifth subject

    # Create path to file based on experiment info
    bids_path = dataset.update(subject=sub)

    # Analyse data and return both ROI and channel results
    raw_haemo, channel = individual_analysis(bids_path, sub)

    # Append individual results to all participants
    df_cha = pd.concat([df_cha, channel], ignore_index=True)

ch_summary = df_cha.query("Condition in ['Tapping_Right']")
assert len(ch_summary)
ch_summary = ch_summary.query("Chroma in ['hbo']")
ch_model = smf.mixedlm("theta ~ -1 + ch_name", ch_summary,
model_df = statsmodels_to_results(ch_model, order=raw_haemo.copy().pick("hbo").ch_names)

# Plot the projection and sensor locations
brain = plot_glm_surface_projection(raw_haemo.copy().pick("hbo"), model_df, colorbar=True)
brain.add_sensors(raw_haemo.info, trans='fsaverage', fnirs=['channels', 'pairs', 'sources', 'detectors'])

# mark the premotor cortex in green
aud_label = [label for label in labels_combined if label.name == 'Premotor Cortex-lh'][0]
brain.add_label(aud_label, borders=True, color='green')

# mark the auditory association cortex in blue
aud_label = [label for label in labels_combined if label.name == 'Auditory Association Cortex-lh'][0]
brain.add_label(aud_label, borders=True, color='blue')

brain.show_view(azimuth=160, elevation=60, distance=400)

Which seems to work:

Using default location ~/mne_data for fnirs_motor_group...
Downloading file 'BIDS-NIRS-Tapping-master.zip' from 'https://github.com/rob-luke/BIDS-NIRS-Tapping/archive/v0.1.0.zip' to '/Users/xxxx/mne_data'.
0.00B [00:00, ?B/s]     
Unzipping contents of '/Users/xxxxx/mne_data/BIDS-NIRS-Tapping-master.zip' to '/Users/xxxxx/mne_data/./fNIRS-motor-group'
Download complete in 06s (41.7 MB)
Reading 0 ... 23238  =      0.000 ...  2974.464 secs...
Reading 0 ... 18877  =      0.000 ...  2416.256 secs...
Reading 0 ... 18874  =      0.000 ...  2415.872 secs...
Reading 0 ... 23120  =      0.000 ...  2959.360 secs...
Reading 0 ... 23006  =      0.000 ...  2944.768 secs...
/Users/xxxxx/anaconda3/envs/svwm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne_nirs/statistics/_statsmodels.py:114: FutureWarning: Series.__getitem__ treating keys as positions is deprecated. In a future version, integer keys will always be treated as labels (consistent with DataFrame behavior). To access a value by position, use `ser.iloc[pos]`
  sdf[jj, 1] = np.sqrt(model.scale) * model.bse[model.k_fe + jj]

Until I get error on plot_glm_surface_projection here’s the error I get

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Untitled-1.ipynb Cell 5 line 2
      1 # Plot the projection and sensor locations
----> 2 brain = plot_glm_surface_projection(raw_haemo.copy().pick("hbo"), model_df, colorbar=True)
      3 brain.add_sensors(raw_haemo.info, trans='fsaverage', fnirs=['channels', 'pairs', 'sources', 'detectors'])
      5 # mark the premotor cortex in green

File <decorator-gen-651>:10, in plot_glm_surface_projection(inst, statsmodel_df, picks, value, background, figure, clim, mode, colormap, surface, hemi, size, view, colorbar, distance, subjects_dir, src, verbose)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/svwm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne_nirs/visualisation/_plot_GLM_surface_projection.py:97, in plot_glm_surface_projection(inst, statsmodel_df, picks, value, background, figure, clim, mode, colormap, surface, hemi, size, view, colorbar, distance, subjects_dir, src, verbose)
     90     raise RuntimeError('MNE data structure does not match dataframe '
     91                        f'results.\nMNE = {info.ch_names}.\n'
     92                        f'GLM = {list(statsmodel_df["ch_name"].values)}')
     94 ea = EvokedArray(np.tile(statsmodel_df[value].values.T, (1, 1)).T,
     95                  info.copy())
---> 97 return _plot_3d_evoked_array(inst, ea, picks=picks,
     98                              value=value,
     99                              background=background, figure=figure,
    100                              clim=clim,
    101                              mode=mode, colormap=colormap,
    102                              surface=surface, hemi=hemi, size=size,
    103                              view=view, colorbar=colorbar,
    104                              distance=distance,
    105                              subjects_dir=subjects_dir, src=src,
    106                              verbose=verbose)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/svwm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne_nirs/visualisation/_plot_GLM_surface_projection.py:142, in _plot_3d_evoked_array(inst, ea, picks, value, background, figure, clim, mode, colormap, surface, hemi, size, view, colorbar, distance, subjects_dir, src, verbose)
    139 stc = stc_near_sensors(picks=picks, **kwargs, verbose=verbose)
    141 # Produce brain plot
--> 142 brain = stc.plot(src=src, subjects_dir=subjects_dir, hemi=hemi,
    143                  surface=surface, initial_time=0, clim=clim, size=size,
    144                  colormap=colormap, figure=figure, background=background,
    145                  colorbar=colorbar, verbose=verbose)
    146 if view is not None:
    147     brain.show_view(view)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/svwm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne/source_estimate.py:740, in _BaseSourceEstimate.plot(self, subject, surface, hemi, colormap, time_label, smoothing_steps, transparent, alpha, time_viewer, subjects_dir, figure, views, colorbar, clim, cortex, size, background, foreground, initial_time, time_unit, backend, spacing, title, show_traces, src, volume_options, view_layout, add_data_kwargs, brain_kwargs, verbose)
    706 @copy_function_doc_to_method_doc(plot_source_estimates)
    707 def plot(
    708     self,
    738     verbose=None,
    739 ):
--> 740     brain = plot_source_estimates(
    741         self,
    742         subject,
    743         surface=surface,
    744         hemi=hemi,
    745         colormap=colormap,
    746         time_label=time_label,
    747         smoothing_steps=smoothing_steps,
    748         transparent=transparent,
    749         alpha=alpha,
    750         time_viewer=time_viewer,
    751         subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
    752         figure=figure,
    753         views=views,
    754         colorbar=colorbar,
    755         clim=clim,
    756         cortex=cortex,
    757         size=size,
    758         background=background,
    759         foreground=foreground,
    760         initial_time=initial_time,
    761         time_unit=time_unit,
    762         backend=backend,
    763         spacing=spacing,
    764         title=title,
    765         show_traces=show_traces,
    766         src=src,
    767         volume_options=volume_options,
    768         view_layout=view_layout,
    769         add_data_kwargs=add_data_kwargs,
    770         brain_kwargs=brain_kwargs,
    771         verbose=verbose,
    772     )
    773     return brain

File <decorator-gen-130>:10, in plot_source_estimates(stc, subject, surface, hemi, colormap, time_label, smoothing_steps, transparent, alpha, time_viewer, subjects_dir, figure, views, colorbar, clim, cortex, size, background, foreground, initial_time, time_unit, backend, spacing, title, show_traces, src, volume_options, view_layout, add_data_kwargs, brain_kwargs, verbose)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/svwm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne/viz/_3d.py:2467, in plot_source_estimates(stc, subject, surface, hemi, colormap, time_label, smoothing_steps, transparent, alpha, time_viewer, subjects_dir, figure, views, colorbar, clim, cortex, size, background, foreground, initial_time, time_unit, backend, spacing, title, show_traces, src, volume_options, view_layout, add_data_kwargs, brain_kwargs, verbose)
   2465 else:
   2466     with use_3d_backend(backend):
-> 2467         return _plot_stc(
   2468             stc,
   2469             overlay_alpha=alpha,
   2470             brain_alpha=alpha,
   2471             vector_alpha=alpha,
   2472             cortex=cortex,
   2473             foreground=foreground,
   2474             size=size,
   2475             scale_factor=None,
   2476             show_traces=show_traces,
   2477             src=src,
   2478             volume_options=volume_options,
   2479             view_layout=view_layout,
   2480             add_data_kwargs=add_data_kwargs,
   2481             brain_kwargs=brain_kwargs,
   2482             **kwargs,
   2483         )

File ~/anaconda3/envs/svwm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne/viz/_3d.py:2637, in _plot_stc(stc, subject, surface, hemi, colormap, time_label, smoothing_steps, subjects_dir, views, clim, figure, initial_time, time_unit, background, time_viewer, colorbar, transparent, brain_alpha, overlay_alpha, vector_alpha, cortex, foreground, size, scale_factor, show_traces, src, volume_options, view_layout, add_data_kwargs, brain_kwargs)
   2634 del kwargs
   2636 if time_viewer:
-> 2637     brain.setup_time_viewer(time_viewer=time_viewer, show_traces=show_traces)
   2638 else:
   2639     brain.show()

File ~/anaconda3/envs/svwm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne/viz/_brain/_brain.py:600, in Brain.setup_time_viewer(***failed resolving arguments***)
    598 self._configure_menu()
    599 self._configure_status_bar()
--> 600 self._configure_playback()
    601 self._configure_help()
    602 # show everything at the end

File ~/anaconda3/envs/svwm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne/viz/_brain/_brain.py:1101, in Brain._configure_playback(self)
   1100 def _configure_playback(self):
-> 1101     self._renderer._playback_initialize(
   1102         func=self._play,
   1103         timeout=self.refresh_rate_ms,
   1104         value=self._data["time_idx"],
   1105         rng=[0, len(self._data["time"]) - 1],
   1106         time_widget=self.widgets["time"],
   1107         play_widget=self.widgets["play"],
   1108     )

File ~/anaconda3/envs/svwm/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne/viz/backends/_notebook.py:1342, in _IpyPlayback._playback_initialize(self, func, timeout, value, rng, time_widget, play_widget)
   1340 play.max = rng[1]
   1341 play.value = value
-> 1342 slider = time_widget._widget
   1343 jsdlink((play, "value"), (slider, "value"))
   1344 jsdlink((slider, "value"), (play, "value"))

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_widget'

I tried to reproduce the error but I got another error related to freesurfer BEM dataset. The solution was to get this dataset. Can you try to add this line


below # Get dataset details in your example?
Tell me what you get

I also tried to reproduce (with current dev versions of MNE and MNE-NIRS) but I get a different error (about color limits not being monotonically increasing). But if I run this line instead:

brain = plot_glm_surface_projection(
    clim=dict(kind="percent", pos_lims=(90, 95, 99)),  # <--- new line

then I get a plot:

so… maybe the bug you’re seeing is already fixed in MNE-NIRS 0.6, or in MNE-Python > 1.5.1?