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I am trying to work with a .vhdr file from brainvision. I loaded the data, and did some plots. Then, I tried the ICA, but I ended up with the following error: "No digitization points found". I'm guessing this is related to the set montage. I did a lot of searching, and I noticed a lot of people have the same issue. Still, I can't seem to find a way to solve this. I am also attaching the file, in case you need. For now, I just want to be able to run the ICA and to properly do the set the montage (if needed). I looked all over the MNE website for solutions, but I simply can't work this out.
PS: MNE is amazing!
Here is what I've got so far:
import mne
fname = "go.nogo.01.vhdr"
raw = mne.io.read_raw_brainvision(fname, preload=True)
raw.plot_psd(fmax = 50)
raw_new_ref = mne.add_reference_channels(raw, ref_channels=['RightEar'])
ica = mne.preprocessing.ICA(n_components=15, random_state=97)
Daniel Cabral.
PhD student
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Performance and Exercise Psychophysiology lab
School of Kinesiology
Auburn University
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