External Email - Use Caution
Hi, I'm running some tests with the EEGBCI
<https://physionet.org/content/eegmmidb/1.0.0/> dataset
<https://physionet.org/content/eegmmidb/1.0.0/>, the database format is EDF
and I'm using version 0.19.2 of mne-python.
I'm trying to make an ICA, the problem is that when I call the method:
ica.plot_properties(raw, picks=[0, 1])
I get this error back in the console:
WARNING:root:Did not find any electrode locations (in the info object),
will attempt to use digitization points instead. However, if digitization
points do not correspond to the EEG electrodes, this will lead to bad
results. Please verify that the sensor locations in the plot are accurate.
I probably have to load the montage. How do I do that? I tried to look
carefully at the documentation but I didn't reach a conclusion. Could
someone help me?
Thank you for your support,
Francesco Mattioli
I'm trying to work without distractions. If I do not respond immediately,
drink a cup of tea and be patient. Great ideas need deep work!
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