This is my first post to this list. I am attempting to teach myself how to use MNE after a colleague suggested it as an alternative to EEGlab + NFT. I wish to model 256-channel EEG (no MEG), continuous 3-20 minute recording (no ERPs). I have full head T1 MRIs for my 6 subjects thus far, as well as T2, DTI, and fMRI. For both EEG and fMRI the task was to fixate a cross.
I have begun learning by skimming the PDF manual, and noticing the suggestion to read Chapter 1, 2, and 12. I have successfully completed through 12.10 using the provided sample data. Before I proceed much further, I would like to ask:
1. Has MNE been successfully used with 256 channel EEG data?
2. are the MNE MRI tools capable of handling electrodes that cover the cheeks?
3. Can MNE build a BEM model that goes all the way down to the "Adam's apple"
4. Can MNE utilize CT scans to improve the bone model geometry?
-Jeff Eriksen
PS. I am using a MacBook Pro with 6 GB RAM, OS 10.6.8
I also have access to a Linux cluster.
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