This is my first post to this list. I am attempting to teach myself how to
use MNE after a colleague suggested it as an alternative to EEGlab + NFT. I
wish to model 256-channel EEG (no MEG), continuous 3-20 minute recording (no
ERPs). I have full head T1 MRIs for my 6 subjects thus far, as well as T2,
DTI, and fMRI. For both EEG and fMRI the task was to fixate a cross.
I have begun learning by skimming the PDF manual, and noticing the
suggestion to read Chapter 1, 2, and 12. I have successfully completed
through 12.10 using the provided sample data. Before I proceed much further,
I would like to ask:
1. Has MNE been successfully used with 256 channel EEG data?
2. are the MNE MRI tools capable of handling electrodes that cover the
3. Can MNE build a BEM model that goes all the way down to the "Adam's
4. Can MNE utilize CT scans to improve the bone model geometry?
-Jeff Eriksen
PS. I am using a MacBook Pro with 6 GB RAM, OS 10.6.8
I also have access to a Linux cluster.
This is my first post to this list. I am attempting to teach myself how to use MNE after a colleague suggested it as an alternative to EEGlab + NFT. I wish to model 256-channel EEG (no MEG), continuous 3-20 minute recording (no ERPs). I have full head T1 MRIs for my 6 subjects thus far, as well as T2, DTI, and fMRI. For both EEG and fMRI the task was to fixate a cross.
I have begun learning by skimming the PDF manual, and noticing the suggestion to read Chapter 1, 2, and 12. I have successfully completed through 12.10 using the provided sample data. Before I proceed much further, I would like to ask:
Has MNE been successfully used with 256 channel EEG data?
I am not sure whether MNE has been used for 256-channel data but there should not be any problem doing that. MNE has been used to analyze EEG data alone.
are the MNE MRI tools capable of handling electrodes that cover the cheeks?
The forward model may not be at its best at these locations but otherwise these electrodes are like any others.
Can MNE build a BEM model that goes all the way down to the "Adam's apple"
As long as you have a skin mesh which goes all the way down there, the answer is yes. However, parts of the model so far from the electrodes are likely to not to be very relevant.
In general, the processing of anatomical MRIs is done in FreeSurfer, not in MNE.
Can MNE utilize CT scans to improve the bone model geometry?
To my knowledge, there are no FreeSurfer tools to do this. The multi-echo FLASH MRI data we routinely collect help in this respect.