Looking for MNE Consultant


I am attempting to teach myself how to use MNE and Python to analyze EEG data that was collected with a Neuroscan Compumedics system (.cnt files). I am trying to follow the tutorial but have run into lots of issues/errors and I was wondering if anyone on this forum might be willing to work as a paid consultant to help me troubleshoot the issues that I am having. I would be happy to compensate for the time/effort. I know that this is an odd request, but I have been struggling to get through the MNE tutorial on my own and was hoping to get some help from someone who is familiar with using MNE to analyze .CNT data.

I appreciate your help with this inquiry/request.


:question: If you have a question or issue with MNE-Python, please include the following info:

  • MNE version: e.g. 0.24.0
  • operating system: e.g. macOS 12 / Windows 10 / Ubuntu 18.04

:page_facing_up: Please also provide relevant code snippets – ideally a minimal working example (MWE).

:fountain_pen: To get the correct formatting, paste your Python code, then select it, and click on the Preformatted text toolbar button.

:no_mobile_phones: Please avoid sharing screenshots of code and error messages! Screenshots are difficult to work with especially on mobile devices; they don’t allow others to copy code and other text; and they don’t show up in the search.

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: Please edit or remove the above text before submitting your posting. :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

As an update to my previous post. I would only require about 4-5 hours max. This is a short-term, not long-term commitment. Thanks for considering this request.

Regardless of file format (e.g., cnt, edf,etc etc), the long list of detail tutorial should help you.

You can refer to

  1. Tutorials β€” MNE 0.24.1 documentation
  2. Raw data

Can you reply my email to you. I also need tutor for MNE. Thank you
nhung dot bvub at gmail dot com.