MNE Executable Path Issue

:question: If you have a question or issue with MNE-Python, please include the following info:

  • MNE version: 0.24.0
  • operating system: RHEL 7

I have two installations of Anaconda: Anaconda2, Anaconda3
But, my MNE python was setup with using Anaconda2.

When I try to use MNE on spyder console- MNE is taking /usr/bin/anaconda3/bin executable path instead of /usr/bin/anaconda2/bin.

I exported to the path too. But, It is not working.

Could anyone please guide me how to fix this issue.

MNE path issue

Hi @shivak3,
you can set which python environment is used by Spyder, see this link: Frequently Asked Questions — Spyder 5 documentation