Installing a Python IDE - Spyder interpreter

I just installed anaconda & MNE-Python. Now I’m trying to install a Spyder, but the command below doesn’t work on my Ananconda prompt (windows10).

conda activate mne && python -c “import sys; print(sys.executable)”

Its probable location “C:\Users\user\anaconda3\envs\mne\python.exe” also doesn’t work because there’s nothing in my folder “envs”… does anybody know why it’s not working for me??

Thank you…!!

If you have a question or issue with MNE-Python, please include the following info:

  • MNE-Python version: 0.22.0
  • operating system: windows

Please also provide relevant code snippets – ideally a minimal working example (MWE). To get the correct formatting, paste your Python code, then select it, and click on the Preformatted text toolbar button.

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Where did you get this command line from? the && indicates this is a command to be run on Linux or macOS, not Windows …


conda activate mne

do anything for you?

Hi Richard, thanks for your comments.

I got the command line from the mne website (Installing MNE-Python — MNE 0.22.0 documentation).

“conda activate mne” also didn’t work for me, resulting in below.

(base) C:\Users\jdewp>conda activate mne
Could not find conda environment: mne
You can list all discoverable environments with conda info --envs.

Thank you! Apparently we need to differentiate between different platforms (Windows, Unix-like) in more places! I’ll have a look.

This indicates that you haven’t created an mne environment … Can you try again following the steps presented here:

I quote:

  • Download the environment file
  • Open an Anaconda command prompt
  • Run conda install --name base nb_conda_kernels "spyder>=4.2.1"
  • cd to the directory where you downloaded the file
  • Run conda env update --file environment.yml

Awesome, it works! Thank you so much!!

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Great to hear it! Enjoy MNE :grin: