MEG channel 0431


I noticed that MEG channel 0431 is listed twice when I look in
mne_browse_raw at the vertex selection. Both go black when I select any
of them as a bad channel.

Just wondering if that is ok or if there is something wrong going on here.

thanks a lot for your help,

The selection file


had a typo which I have corrected for the next version. This
duplication only affects the display, nothing else. I copied the new
corrected selection file to replace the old one. There should be only
one MEG 0431 in the vertex selection now.

- Matti


I just recently encountered the following error when I was using
mne_do_inverse_operator (MEG only):

Decomposing...sgesvd returned error: 305.
Inverse operator decomposition failed (see above)
(This is after the program has successfully whitened the forward
solution, scaled the source covariance and applied a priori source
weighting to the forward solution).

I've checked my forward solution logs and my sensor noise covariance
matrix logs and they were all OK, and so were my offline fif's (and I
definitely have enough trials after artifact rejections).

I have pre-processed my data with SSS Maxfiltering, and it has worked
for every subject thus far except the current one. (Just for the
record, I'm using LOC 0.1).

Has anyone encountered this before, and would anyone have a solution
to the error?

Thanks for your help in advance.


Adrian KC Lee, ScD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

  Email: akclee at