question about "mne_browse_raw"

Dear. experts.

This is Ji Won Bang from Dr. Sasaki's group at MGH.

Recently, I realized that the window environment inside "mne_browse_raw" has
been changed slightly.

When I open "mne_browse_raw" and click "adjust"-> "selection" ->"add",
"available channels" do not show every channels.

Before several weeks, EMG channel was shown inside the "available channel",
but now, I cannot see it.

For my project, I need to see 4 EEG, 1 EMG, 2 EOG data at the same time.

Is there someone who can fix that?

I appreciate it a lot in advance!

Many thanks,
Ji Won Bang
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I don't think the MNE code as been changed in that sense. I don't know what
may cause the problem you observe. It's maybe an update of the libraries
from which MNE depends for the GUI. Maybe matti has a better explanation.
