External Email - Use Caution
Hi Alex,
I create subject level contrasts (conflict versus no conflict) and then want to run a group-level analysis where I want to use a continuous variable, which is an individual difference measure (number of trials on which the participant cheated), as a predictor in a linear regression with t-values from the within subject contrasts (conflict versus no conflict) as dependent variable. Stated differently, I want to see whether frequency of cheating across individual can explain differences how conflict versus no conflict trials are modulated in the brain.
I've got the within-subject contrasts for each subject TF-maps one for each channel and am now wondering which function I can use to run this group-level analysis?
Thanks for your help,
hi Sebastian,
can you step back and explain the overall aim of the procedure?
what would you like to show with your data? is it group level?
a contrast?