External Email - Use Caution
Dear MNE users, dear all,
We are hiring a post doc in our lab in Grenoble (France), a beautiful city in the center of Alpes mountains !
The position is funded by the regional council Auvergne Rhone Alpes. The post is currently for 12 months with possibility for further extension (6 or 12 months).
You will work on He4 OPM for MEG imaging, in collaboration with the Center of Research in Neurosciences in Lyon. You will contribute to MEG experiments and the data processing.
Attached to this mail the job description and contacts.
Two other positions are also available, more focused on instrumentation and engineering.
We hope that this position will excite some of you !
Best regards
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Etienne Labyt, PhD
Ingenieur Expert Imagerie
D?partement Syst?mes et Int?gration de Solutions
Service Capteurs et Syst?mes Electroniques
Commissariat ? l??nergie atomique et aux ?nergies alternatives
MINATEC Campus | 17 rue des martyrs | F-38054 Grenoble Cedex
T. +33 (0)4 38 78 06 87
etienne.labyt at cea.fr<mailto:etienne.labyt at cea.fr>