MEG investigations of orthographic processing and reading.
Applications are now open for a post-doctoral position at the Laboratoire
de Psychologie Cognitive in Marseilles, France, for research using MEG to
investigate orthographic processing during sentence reading. The position
is renewable on a yearly basis for up to 5-years, and is part of an
ERC-funded research project led by Jonathan Grainger (ERC advanced grant
?Parallel orthographic processing and reading?). The successful applicant
will have a PhD in psychology or neuroscience and experience in using MEG
to study perceptual-cognitive functions. She/he will be involved in all
aspects of the proposed MEG experiments, but advanced skills in data
analysis and scientific writing will be most appreciated. The Laboratoire
de Psychologie Cognitive is a thriving research department with more than
20 full-time research scientists and university professors working in
various areas of cognitive psychology, and is located at the St. Charles
campus of Aix-Marseille University, in central Marseilles. It is part of a
large, prestigious interdisciplinary research institute for language,
communication, and the brain (ILCB), that brings together psychologists,
neuroscientists, linguists, and computer scientists to further our
understanding of all aspects of language processing. Applicants should send
the names of two referees and a curriculum vitae to: at < at>
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