External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
CEA Leti http://www.cea.fr/english in Grenoble https://www.grenoble-tourisme.com/en/, France, is looking for enthusiast and highly motivated people for three post-doc positions. Grenoble is an innovative and economically active city at the center of the Alpes mountains.
Our lab works on optically pumped magnetometers (OPM) based on helium-4 metastable atoms. Our main achievement in last years has been the design and space qualification of the most advanced OPMs available for spatial exploration, which were launched on ESA Swarm mission [1].
With this very same species we have developed OPMs for medical imaging of brain (magneto-encephalography - MEG) and heart (magneto-cardiography - MCG), which have the advantage of operating at room temperature, with no heating or cooling. The development of these two imaging techniques is an opportunity to better understand and diagnose pathologies like epilepsy, Alzheimer or arrhythmia<https://lite.qwant.com/redirect/%2FTUTzgF%2B7TAgKxhqJEWXIc9vwwxqYOLkYUM2S1H069w%3D/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.heart.org%2Fen%2Fhealth-topics%2Farrhythmia?position=11&query=arythmia&t=web&l=fr>.
A few years ago we performed proof of concept measurements of both MCG and MEG with primitive versions of our sensors [2,3]. After getting a better understanding of our sensors physics [4] and implementing substantial improvements, we are now developing arrays of OPMs and collaborating with several clinical teams in order to test them for different applications and environments.
For a detailed description of each postdoc position, please click below :
Postdoctorate research associate on LAB AND FIELD WORK ON OPTICALLY PUMPED MAGNETOMETERS FOR MEG/MCG<https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/454840>
(EURAXESS Job Offer id: 454840)
POEM 2019-10787
Posthot 20-0009
Postdoctorate research associate on IMPROVING OPTICALLY PUMPED MAGNETOMETERS FOR BIOMEDICAL IMAGING<https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/454847>
(EURAXESS Job Offer id: 454847)
POEM 2019-10786
Posthot 20-0007
(EURAXESS Job Offer id: 454863)
POEM 2019-10786
References :
[2] S. Morales et al., Phys. Med. Biol. (2017).
[3] E. Labyt et al., IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2019).
[4] F. Beato et al. Physical Review A (2018)
Looking forward your applications ! and feel free to forward this mail in your own networks !
Best regards
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Etienne Labyt, PhD
Ingenieur Expert Imagerie
D?partement Syst?mes et Int?gration de Solutions
Service Capteurs et Syst?mes Electroniques
Commissariat ? l'?nergie atomique et aux ?nergies alternatives
MINATEC Campus | 17 rue des martyrs | F-38054 Grenoble Cedex
T. +33 (0)4 38 78 06 87
etienne.labyt at cea.fr<mailto:etienne.labyt at cea.fr>
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