implementation of wavelet-transformed MNE

Hi all,

I'm wondering if the method described by the reference given below has been
implemented in the MNE package or whether those performing an analysis like
that described are transforming their data in MATLAB (or some other tool)
and re-importing into MNE?

Lin, F.H., Witzel, T., H?m?l?inen, M.S., Dale, A.M., Belliveau, J.W., and
Stufflebeam, S.M. (2004). Spectral spatiotemporal imaging of cortical
oscillations and interactions in the human brain. Neuroimage *23*, 582?595.


Dear Andy,

I do this (and a related resting-state functional connectivity analysis) by porting the data to-and-from Matlab.

Best Wishes,

Avniel Ghuman, Ph.D.
Director of MEG Research
Assistant professor of Neurological Surgery and Neurobiology
Faculty in the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
University of Pittsburgh

hi Andrew,

I don't know the details of this work but a similar thing can be done
with mne-python:

Let me know if you give it a try.
