MNE Course in Paris Dec. 4 2013 (following inauguration of the MEG Center at the ICM Institute) -

Dear colleagues,

we would to take the opportunity of your presence in Paris for the
inauguration of the
MEG Center at ICM to invite you to attend a 1-day course on the MNE
academic software.

MNE is a free software package for processing magnetoencephalography
(MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) data. It provides a full
analysis pipeline from data preprocessing, forward modeling
(leveraging the automatic anatomical segmentations provided by
FreeSurfer), source imaging using distributed source models (MNE,
dSPM, sLORETA, MxNE, Gamma-MAP), beamformers (LCMV, DICS,
5d-beamformer), as well as time-frequency analysis, non-parametric
statistics, and connectivity measures for both sensor space and source
space data.

The most recent development efforts are on the open source MNE-Python
package currently developed collaboratively in many labs (Harvard Med.
School Martinos Center, CEA Neurospin, NYU, Univ. Washington, Juelich,
Aalto university). MNE-Python is a script based library coming with
dozens of examples ready to be copy-pasted.

The website of MNE is :
The examples gallery :
Mailing list:

The course will take place close to the ICM at Telecom ParisTech on Dec. 4

More information, detailed program and registration at:

Registration is free on line but note that we will ask for 20? in cash
on the day
of the course to cover for coffee break expenses and travel of one of the
instructors (Denis Engemann from Juelich).

Best regards,

Alex of behalf of the MNE contributors

Hi list,

we had our full day hands-on training on MNE yesterday in Paris.

If you're curious the teaching material that we prepared with Denis
are available at:
