How to change background in white at raw.plot

Hello, thank you for reading me.
This is an image obtained by raw.plot()
I was unable to change the color of the background in order to see the lines of the data.
Is there any method to do this, please?
Thanks in advance.

What you are seeing is not the background but the data traces. They are completely out of scale. MNE expects SI units, i.e. for EEG data should be in Volts. You can change the scaling with something like:

raw.apply_function(lambda x: x*1e-6, picks="eeg")

You can also interactively change the scaling in raw.plot() with the +/- keys on the keyboard or provide the argument scalings="auto":



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Thank you, sir. I will try it.
Very kind of you.

Thank you, sir. It works perfectly. :grinning: