raw.plot() shows an empty figure


I am trying to import EEG data from a CSV file for analysis using MNE-Python. I used mne.io.RawArray after reading the data as a dataframe and creating an MNE info object. The power spectra of the raw object seem reasonable with peaks at expected frequencies. However, when I use raw.plot(), I see an empty figure. I tried changing the scale and using the butterfly mode, but did not see any signal still. I am able to extract the data again using raw.get_data(), but just can’t see it in raw.plot(). Am I missing something?

I am running MNE 1.6.0 on MacOS Sonoma 14.6.

Thanks in advance,


Just a thought, but when you changed the scaling, was this once the figure was already opened? If so, it’s possible you just didn’t rescale the y-axis enough.

What happens if you call raw.plot() with scalings="auto"?



Hi Thomas,

That was it! I set scalings="auto" and the data showed up. It seems that the scale was orders of magnitude different from what I was inputting, i.e., input data values were of the order of 10^4, whereas the y-axis scale in the figure from raw.plot() shows signal of the order of 10^8. Setting auto scaling showed me the correct scale to view the graph.


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