When plotting there is this small vertical red line. I need to access the code that handles it to make it dinamic. For instance, I’ll fix its heigh, assume it is 7mm, and set height to 7microvs/mm or 10microvs/mm etc, to change amplitude of eeg plot. As in clinical EEG higher the number, smaller the signal heigh.
I’ looked in matplotlib but cant find it. I believe its script is hidden somewhere in mne code. Could you show me where it is?
By the way, Am I on the right path? Is there already a code to do so?
Note that this is only getting implemented for the Qt backend which offers many convenience function to pull the logical and physical screen size on which the plotting window is displayed.
If you want to do it for the matplotlib backend, the PR will still help you understand which part of the code should be modified.