High variation in the signal displayed by MNE-Qt-Browser as one moves through the signal

Hi Folks,

I’m writing to hear your thoughts about something we’ve noticed while using the Qt browser. The displayed signals change substantially when one scrolls just a few seconds through the signal. Here’s a brief GIF to show what I’m talking about.

Is this normal behavior? Is there any way the variation can be reduced?


Many thanks!

I don’t really see an issue here.
You could crop the end of the recording where it looks like your EEG cap was unplugged from the amplifier creating a large discontinuity. I’m guessing this large discontinuity is affecting the filter you applied to your data.

If you do:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.plot(raw.times, raw.get_data(picks=0).squeeze())

You should see the same plot (for channel 0), (except if you applied visualisation filters with raw.plot(lowpass=..., highpass=...)).

EDIT: @ealtamir I now see your issue. Please share the version of the qt-browser and of mne used (use mne.sys_info()); I believe this issue was fixed already and you are running on outdated versions.



Hi Mathieu,

Thanks for your reply. I’m using v0.6.0, I will try the latest version as per your recommendation. For reference, he’s the output of mne.sys_info():

Platform             Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0
Python               3.11.2 (tags/v3.11.2:878ead1, Feb  7 2023, 16:38:35) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)]
Executable           C:\Users\phonb\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\pipeline-gui-3-Rle7Yj-py3.11\Scripts\python.exe
CPU                  Intel64 Family 6 Model 151 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel (24 cores)
Memory               31.7 GB
├ mne               1.6.0 (outdated, release 1.6.1 is available!)
├ numpy             1.26.3 (OpenBLAS 0.3.23.dev with 24 threads)
├ scipy             1.11.4
├ matplotlib        3.8.2 (backend=QtAgg)
├ pooch             1.8.0
└ jinja2            3.1.2
Numerical (optional)
├ sklearn           1.3.2
└☐ unavailable       numba, nibabel, nilearn, dipy, openmeeg, cupy, pandas
Visualization (optional)
├ qtpy              2.4.1 (PySide6=6.4.2)
├ pyqtgraph         0.13.3
├ mne-qt-browser    0.6.0
└☐ unavailable       pyvista, pyvistaqt, vtk, ipympl, ipywidgets, trame_client, trame_server, trame_vtk, trame_vuetify

This version should be recent enough… we might have a bug on our hands. Could you also try:

# vs


I don’t understand what the problem is from the movie, can you explain?

@cbrnr Look at the left side (white background), after an horizontal scroll, the traces change completely. It kind of reminded me of a bug with projectors being toggle on/off during horizontal scrolls.