Help: Can not import .EDF file into MATLAB or EEGLAB. ERROR - File size relating to bytes?

Hello community,

Unsure if this is the right place to ask as its not Python related, however, if any of you have experience or technical knowhow to help resolve this problem it would be very much appreciated.

I do research into sleep and consciousness via EEG and need to open one of my personal .EDF files. Typically I’m adjusted to using Natus Nueroworks and Remlogic software packages for analyses. However I require Matlab and EEGlab for some additional functions.

I have converted the file from Natus Neurology’s own proprietry format into .EDF (not .edf+). Unfortunately I can’t seem to import this using Matlabs ‘import .edf’ tool.

Error currently is: Filesize in bytes is 2147745792. File size must be 2147427682 as specified in ‘file directory’ EDF/EDF+ file header.

Unsure as to how to address/resolve this? I am also receiving errors in EEGlab.

I have relatively limited programming knowledge at the moment - so would very much appreciate if anyone here would be kind enough to help.

Thank you :slight_smile:


As you said, this question is not related to neither Python, MNE or a package from its ecosystem. It is unlikely someone will be able to help, especially as we have limited bandwidth to answer usage questions.
That said, have a look to:

  • EDFBrowser, to make sure it’s able to open your EDF file (and thus that the file is valid)
  • The EEGLAB mailing list, for EEGLAB related questions: EEGLAB mailing lists - EEGLAB Wiki


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