Save data to certain format

Dear all,

I loaded my eeg data from *.edf format files. After adding a duplicate
channel, I want to save the raw data back a *.edf format file:'sample_edf.edf',overwrite=True)

The file seems to be much bigger than the original one, from 460,000 KB to
860,000 KB.

Also, when I try to import it to Matlab EEGLAB, it says:
EEGLAB error in function getfiletype() at line 1111:

Operands to be || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar

And then I try to open the *.edf file in EDFbrowser, and return error:
1th character of version field is not a valid 7-bit ASCII character. File
is not a valid EDF or BDF file.

I try to just read the *.edf file to python and save it to another *.edf
file, same errors occur.

Is there a format of file I could export my raw data so that it is readable
in Matlab EEGLAB? Or is there a way to save the raw data to a readable
*.edf file?

Thank you very much for your time,


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Hi Ning,

The only output file from MNE is the *.fif. We read the multiple formats
but we have two options for getting the data out: 1. with the
*.fif, or 2. externally from the numpy.ndarray as an npy with `` or
as a mat file with ``. The latter seems like the most
suitable if you want to interact with EEGLAB in Matlab.



Thank you very much! It really helps!!


Hi Teon,

I try to use savemat to save the raw data, but savemat cannot handle
'nonetype' class. I delete all the empty fields from the raw using pop()
because I think raw is a dictionary. However, there are still 'nonetype'
class in raw. Do you know if there is a way to handle it?

Thank you very much for your time,


Have you tried having raw._data only ?

You can also read the fiff files in using the matlab toolbox

Using only raw._data works.


adding a few lines on this to the doc would be neat.

let's make it happen