HEART RATE VARIABILITY : def qrs_detector

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Hello everyone!

I carried out an EEG/MEG study and I am also interested in HEART RATE
VARIABILITY analysis. I would like to use my ECG signal (recorded with the
channel BIO003 at the same time of EEG/MEG records ) not only to detect the
ecg artifacts on my EEG/MEG sinalgs, but also to analyse the heart rate
I found this script :

def qrs_detector(sfreq, ecg, thresh_value=0.6, levels=2.5, n_thresh=3,
l_freq=5, h_freq=35, tstart=0, filter_length='10s')

I've just started to use mne-python. So my question are:
- is "def qrs_detector" the good script to know the R-R inteval in seconds
? Because with the RR inteval I could be able to compute the heart rate
(HR=60 seconds / RR)
- What is the difference between "Detect QRS component in ECG channels "
and "Indices of ECG peaks " ?

Thank you !!

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External Email - Use Caution

- is "def qrs_detector" the good script to know the R-R inteval in
seconds ? Because with the RR inteval I could be able to compute the heart
rate (HR=60 seconds / RR)

I would try to use that function and then use visual inspection to verify
that it works (plot the detected events on top of the original signal).

From those events you can get the interval.

- What is the difference between "Detect QRS component in ECG channels "

and "Indices of ECG peaks " ?

In the docstring, the first is the title / description of what the function
does, the second is telling you what the function returns. But perhaps I'm
not quite sure what you're asking.

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