External Email - Use Caution
Hello everyone!
I carried out an EEG/MEG study and I am also interested in HEART RATE
VARIABILITY analysis. I would like to use my ECG signal (recorded with the
channel BIO003 at the same time of EEG/MEG records ) not only to detect the
ecg artifacts on my EEG/MEG sinalgs, but also to analyse the heart rate
I found this script :
def qrs_detector(sfreq, ecg, thresh_value=0.6, levels=2.5, n_thresh=3,
l_freq=5, h_freq=35, tstart=0, filter_length='10s')
I've just started to use mne-python. So my question are:
- is "def qrs_detector" the good script to know the R-R inteval in seconds
? Because with the RR inteval I could be able to compute the heart rate
(HR=60 seconds / RR)
- What is the difference between "Detect QRS component in ECG channels "
and "Indices of ECG peaks " ?
Thank you !!
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