Cross frequency coupling

I am facing problem with calculating PAC(Phase Amplitude coupling). My Raw data structure is like this - 1 coloumn with multiple rows with no variable inside the datasets,( my data structure - ‘data’: array([[274.3722, 273.6554, 263.2611, …). I want to create 2 variable in the datasets like lfpHG and lfpHfo , like this lfpHG = bandpass_filter(lfp, 30, 60, srate)
lfpHFO = bandpass_filter(lfp, 60, 150, srate) , my sampling rate is 3000 and total duration is 2120 seconds. I am doing this in Python and the goal is to compute # Phase-Amplitude comodulogram to observe blob between theta -gama (Amplitude of high frequency vs Phase of low frequency) between 8hz - 40 hz.

Let me know how can i do it properly.


Hi @mouseresearch

You will probably have an easier time using existing tools than you would if you roll your own implementation. Have you tried either of these packages?

Any idea how I can start ?

Hi @mouseresearch

Please have a look at their tutorials: