Long-range power-based and phase-amplitude coupling


I would like to run a phase-amplitude coupling analysis and a power-based analysis, specifically what Cohen (2014) identifies as a mixed a priori analysis. That is, I would like to use a motor electrode as my seed (power in the beta range) and see how this relates to the delta/theta phase of any other electrode.
Moreover, I would like to see how the beta power in the motor electrodes relates to the alpha power in visual electrodes. By looking at the MNE documentation, for the PAC analysis, I see that the pactool module allows you to specify only two electrodes (one for the amplitude and one for the phase). Is there any function in MNE that might allow me to run an a priori PAC analysis? Also, from the documentation of the pactool module, it is not clear to me whether one needs to concatenate the epochs and how then to combine the data from different subjects to generate the comodulogram.

Finally, I saw that for the power-based analysis there is an envelope correlation function, but this does not allow one to assign different frequency bands to different electrodes and to specify a seed electrode. I could do this step by step by myself, but I was wondering if there is any other function that could be used that I might have missed?

Ok, I might have found a solution by using the toolbox tensorpac: Tensorpac — Tensorpac 0.6.5 documentation

you can also try https://github.com/pactools/pactools
